Thursday, July 10, 2008

Twenty-Five to Life

My wife, Kelly, and I just celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary. Unbelievable! Where has the time gone? We're hoping to celebrate this anniversary with a cruise next winter...


Jo said...

It has been said that,"it's not that time has flown but that life has gone by." Is it therefore any wonder that life just seemed to have zipped by? I trust that both of you will seek to take advantage of the blessings life offers, such as that cruise, enjoy it, along with the time spent with each other.

Jo said...

It has been said that,"it's not that time has flown but that life has gone by." Is it therefore any wonder that life just seemed to have zipped by? I trust that both of you will seek to take advantage of the blessings life offers, such as that cruise, enjoy it, along with the time spent with each other.